GIK Achievements: Pride of GIK
Few of the many achievements of Gik have been compiled below, which show how well versed are the students of this institute . Apart from acedamics Gik is also renowned for its Co-curricular environment which it provides to its students.
Zardari lauds GIKI for establishing NFRC
President Asif Ali Zardari, who is also Chancellor of the GIK Institute, in his message that was read out during inauguration of the NFRC at GIKI said that he is pleased to learn that Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology has established the Natural Fluids Refrigeration Centre (NFRC) to provide refrigeration solutions to industry and also to carry out research in environmental issues in the region...more
“Faizan (GIK) is a perfect example of why we [America] need immigration reform,” said US President Barack Obama in a tweet.
In what can serve as an inspiration for the country’s tech firms seeking expansion in the world’s largest market, Pakistani start-up ‘Convo’ has raised $5 million in investment capital from a top tier venture capitalist (VC) in Silicon Valley. It is, arguably, the first Pakistani company to receive such major funding from an institutional VC firm in the world’s IT hub...more
7 Outstanding Pakistani Innovators you should know about
TechJuice has come up with a list of some outstanding Pakistani innovators, people who have taken a unique, creative idea to new level of high and redefined innovation. These people are pioneers and together they have paved way for many young people to follow. These amazing minds are Pakistan’s pride, the country hope and the nation’s bright future...more
This list contains three gikians.
Team HammerHead Arc clinches sixth place in Shell Eco-Marathon Asia 2014Team HammerHead Arc, sponsored by Toyota, represented GIK
Shell Eco-Marathon is the international stage where student teams from around the globe compete with their ultra energy-efficient vehicles. Organized in America, Europe and Asia, the event hosts one of the most appreciated gatherings of young engineers who are all aspired to push the frontiers of fuel efficiency...more
10 Mid-Stage Pakistani Startups on Their Way to Success
The technology entrepreneurship ecosystem in Pakistan is at a tipping point! With this in mind, we decided to scout the most promising technology startups of Pakistan. The TechJuice team has divided the Pakistani startups into three categories depending on their growth stage: Early-age, Mid-Stage and Late-Stage. This is the second post in the series...more
One of the startups Cricout is from a gik alumnus.
Students from GIKI won he Pakistan National Final of Microsoft Imagine Cup 2013
Microsoft has announced the winning project of the Pakistan Imagine Cup, the world’s most prestigious student technology competition from approximately 180+ entries received. Team Epic whose project Epic was designed to detect falls and Accidents using Windows Phone Device, to alert the authorities of such occurrence. Using the same technology, brain wave data can be collected for various problems including Epileptic Seizures and can be used for further research...more
GIKI wins World Semifinals of Microsoft Imagine Cup 2014\
Team Amplifiers (Sherjeel Sikander (CSE), Junaid Imtiaz (ES), Sameed Tariq (CSE) and Immad Imtiaz (CSW)) has made it to the World Finals of Microsoft Imagine Cup, after winning the national finals and world semifinals. The team will represent Pakistan at Microsoft Imagine Cup Seattle USA, the home of more
GIKI won Mobilink Rising Star Competition 2014
Mobilink launched its Rising Star Competition in HEC recognized universities all over Pakistan.
The competition was launched as a means to inculcate innovation, passion and leadership qualities amongst the talented youth where two teams (Team Invictus & Team Liber8) participated from GIKI and made their mark.
Some Facts And Figures regarding GIK
- 1988 Establishment of SOPREST
- 1989 Completion of Feasibility Report
- 1990 Civil Work Started
- 1993 First Batch of Students Inducted
- 1997 First Batch Graduated
- 2001 Graduate Program Started
- 2003 First Batch of MS Graduates
- 2004 Ten Year Anniversary Celebrated
Student Societies & Clubs at Gik
- ACM - Association of Computing Machinery
- Adventure Club - Sailing, Hiking, Adventure Trips, etc
- AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
- ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- CDES - Cultural Dramatic & Entertainment Society
- GEAS - GIKI Environmental & Awareness Society
- GSS - GIKI Sports Society, Cricket Club, Hockey team, Badminton team, etc
- Horizon - GIKI Student Publication Society, Annual issue of Horizon Magazine
- IEE - Institute of Electrical Engineers
- IEEE - Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers
- LDS - Literary and Debating Society
- Media Club - Movie Making, Photography, Desktop Publisher, Event Coverage, etc
- Naqsh - Arts Society
- Netronix - Hostel Network Administrators
- Science Society - Science Day, etc
- SOPHEP - Society for Promotion of Higher education, Pakistan
- SPIE - Society for Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
- TMS/ASM - The Mineral, Metal & Material Society/American Society for Materials
- WES - Women Engineers Society
If you have any questions or want to see such compilations of other universities as well, Comment it in the section below.
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